
  • Jeff Dawson (Gary Cooper) is a hapless oil speculator in South America whose misadventures reunite him wit…
  • Thelma Jordon, late one night, shows up in the office of married Assistant DA Cleve Marshall. Before Cleve…
  • Helen Ferguson, pregnant, penniless and dumped by her boyfriend Steve Morley, takes the identity of the pr…
  • 在1928年的Ivers镇,女孩玛莎阴差阳错地杀死了严崚的监护人,在场的三个人中,她倾恋的男生山姆 逃走了,另一位青…
  • Charlie Rogers是个桀骜不驯的酒吧驻唱歌手,因为出手教训出言不逊的客人被老板开除,骑着摩托车开始了流浪歌手的…
  • Avery Bullard, President of the Tredway Corporation has died. But he never named a clear successor, so the…
  • 塞尔玛乔丹,一个深夜,在结婚助理DA克利夫马歇尔的办公室出现了。之前克利夫能阻止自己,他和塞尔玛参与非法的事…
  • 印度南部泰米尔的一个穆斯林少数民族居住区中,一旦女孩子长大到成熟的年纪,就必须被关押,直到她结婚那一天。这…
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