
  •   The oral history of a team of geeks and misfits in the back of a Chicago fac…
  •   墨西哥导演米歇尔·弗兰克在参加马拉喀什电影节时确认他执导的第六部影片[少数人的梦想]将于明年4月开机拍摄…
  •   What is Bitcoin? With the advent of Bitcoin, the world's first digital curre…
  • 一个给中情局效力的杀手打算多干一个任务就金洗盘洗手,可他发现自己成了中情局上司的刺杀目标。。。
  • An action filled account of an Ex FBI negotiator who uses all his skills to save a jumbo jet headed for Lo…
  • 弗朗西斯和克劳迪娅是一对好朋友,他是一个律师,她是一个兽医。他们之间无话不谈,直到约翰的出现。克劳迪娅决定…
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  • At her husband's funeral, Pearl (Shirley Maclean), Jewish mother of two divorced and antagonistic daughter…
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